Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Crocheting VS Knitting

Time and time again, I have sat down to work on a project and someone mentions to me: "Oh, your knitting - that's cool!". When in reality, I'm crocheting my heart out.

So what are the similarities and differences of knitting and crocheting? 

1. Both are a type of craft involving yarn.
2. Items that can be created include: sweaters, shawls, wraps, blankets, afghans, scarves, hats, mittens, socks, and more made by either technique.
3. Patterns are used to make items.
4. When crocheting or knitting, very much patience is required.

1. The needles: Knitting involves using 2 needles; Crochet involves using only 1 needle.
2. Knitting needles are pointy on the end; Crochet needles have a hook on the end.
3. There are different terms used to describe the stitches.
4. Finished products are different weights. Knitting results in a thinner fabric; Crocheting results in a thicker fabric.

Now you know what the similarities and difference are between knitting and crocheting. Hopefully, the next time you see someone doing a craft, you will be able to tell the difference and strike up a conversation about the craft.


  1. If you can crochet, do you think it is easier to knot? Do you do both?

  2. If you can crochet, do you think it is easier to knot? Do you do both?

  3. So far, I only crochet. I would like to learn how to knit in the future though. From speaking with friends who do both crafts, they feel that crocheting is easier because of the needle difference. With knitting, the needles tend to get in the way of each other, therefore delaying the finish of the project. With crocheting, it is quicker because of only needing one needle and there is less materials used in the process.
